Diario del Huila

An act of love and gratitude to those who shared more than knowledge in the English area

May 4, 2022

Diario del Huila Inicio 5 Educación 5 An act of love and gratitude to those who shared more than knowledge in the English area

By: Breaking Borders Staff

On behalf of Breaking Borders and in gratitude for their teaching work in the English area, we recognize with love the English teachers  Madiy Inés Del Rosario Vega Revollo, Carmenza Polanco Castro, and Doris Elsa Gama Rodriguez  for their tireless work and  their commitment to bilingual education.

Madiy Inés Del Rosario Vega Revollo was born in Sincelejo-Sucre. She started her work at a very young age after graduating from Lahser High School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. She began her teaching experience at the Simón Araujo National School in Sincelejo. After that, she moved to Neiva to continue her professional development. She completed her undergraduate studies in Education and postgraduate degree in English Didactics at Universidad Surcolombiana. Firstly, she worked for 20 years at Colegio Cooperativo Salesiano. Afterwards, she continued working at Santa Librada National School. Finally, she finished her work stage at Departamental Tierra de Promisión school in which she was part of the English technique. As her legacy, her children Samir Layseka Vega Madi and Inés Layseka Vega are also English teachers, and Ernesto Cárdenas Vega is a lawyer.

Carmenza Polanco Castro was born in Garzón-Huila. She has a degree in Modern Languages ​​from Universidad del Cauca. She is also a Specialist in Pedagogía de la Expresión Lúdica from Universidad Surcolombiana. Additionally, she is a Specialist in Computer Management from Remington University Corporation. She started teaching in Huila at Juan XXIII Municipal School in Algeciras and Eugenio Ferro Falla Municipal School in Campoalegre. Some years later, in Neiva, she worked at Diego de Ospina School (currently known as ‘Rodrigo Lara Bonilla School’), Guillermo Montenegro School, José Eustasio Rivera School, and finally, Liceo Santa Librada School. Teacher Carmenza says: “I advise new teachers to bring inspiration to students in their classes. This is achieved with love, respect, and motivating activities that surprise children through the use of technological tools that offer a wide range of activities for learning English”.

Doris Elsa Gama Rodriguez was born in Bogota. She studied Philology and Languages: English-Spanish at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. She started working as a teacher in a small town called Oporapa in 1987. Two years later, she was transferred to Aipe. In Neiva, she worked in different institutions such as La Presentacion, Ricardo Borrero, Inem, and Jose Eustasio Rivera. She decided to retire this year, after almost 35 years of teaching. To her, the most important thing about being an educator is having been part of her students’ life projects, encouraging their dreams and accompanying them in the moments of frustration when they felt that learning another language was not for them.  “To the new English teachers, I say: love what you do, enjoy the joy and energy of the students around you, show them that there is a future with opportunities and treat them with love and respect”.

Thank you teachers for your commitment. Your work will not be forgotten.

 Neiva appreciates and celebrates your contribution!

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